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Can Chickens Eat Cheese? What You Should Know

Can Chickens Eat Cheese? What You Should Know

It is no secret that chickens love to eat. But can chickens eat cheese?

Chickens are omnivores and can eat a wide variety of foods, including cheese. 

But there are many things to keep in mind when offering cheese to your flock.

In this post, we will discuss:

  • How much cheese chickens should eat
  • How to feed cheese to chickens
  • Benefits of cheese for chickens
  • Safe cheeses for chickens to eat
  • And some frequently asked questions 

Can Chickens Eat Cheese? 

Yes, chickens can eat cheese.

However, it’s important to note that not all types of cheese are safe for chickens to consume. 

While cheese is packed with nutrients like calcium, it also has a high-fat content that can lead to digestive issues and obesity in chickens if consumed in large quantities. 

These issues can result in other health problems such as decreased fertility, egg-binding, prolapse, liver issues, and possibly even heat stroke. 

Cheese should only be fed to your chickens in moderation and should never make up the bulk of their diet. 

How Much Cheese Can I Feed My Chickens? 

Dairy products like cheese can cause diarrhea in chickens due to their lack of digestibility. 

Therefore, it’s recommended to feed cheese sparingly, with 2-3 tablespoons per day being the maximum amount. 

Cheddar and feta are good cheese options because they are lower in fat, while types like brie and blue cheese can be harmful to chickens if consumed in large quantities. 

It’s also important to note that dairy products lacking in calcium, like cream cheese and ricotta, can result in soft shells and/or feather picking. 

Chickens should not be fed sugar and candy treats, green potatoes or tomatoes, chocolate, avocado skin and pits, or moldy or spoiled foods. Grains are a great way to feed chickens.

chickens in coop

Safe Cheeses for Chickens to Eat 

Not all cheeses are created equal, and some are better for your chickens than others. 

While chickens can eat most types of cheese, the nutritional value of some cheeses are far superior for your bird’s health. 

Types of Cheese That Chickens Can Eat

  • Goat cheese
  • Cream cheese
  • Brie cheese
  • Feta cheese
  • Shredded cheese
  • Sliced cheese
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Gouda cheese
  • Cottage cheese
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Blue cheese
  • Parmesan cheese (shredded) 

One of the best options on this list for chickens to eat is goat cheese.

This is because goat cheese contains less lactose and sodium than cow’s milk cheese. It also has a lower fat content, which helps chickens to digest it much easier. 

When feeding hard cheeses like parmesan or some cheddar cheeses to your chickens, make sure that it is finely shredded. It is difficult for chickens to consume blocks of hard cheese. 

Blue cheese is another top option to feed your chickens. Some moldy cheeses, like blue cheese, are cultured with a saprotrophic fungus called penicillium roqueforti, which can provide an additional boost of healthy bacteria that strengthens the immune system. 

Types of Cheese That Chickens Should Avoid

  • Cheese sticks
  • Cheese dips
  • Cheese spreads
  • American cheese singles
  • Other highly processed cheese 

The cheeses listed above are still safe for chickens to consume in small amounts, however, they are highly processed and offer little to no nutritional value to your flock. 

Most of these options also contain additives and preservatives that won’t meet your chicken’s nutritional standards. 

It is best to avoid feeding overly processed cheeses to your chickens.

How To Feed Cheese to Chickens

Cheese should be fed to chickens as an occasional treat, and should not make up the bulk of their diet. 

When feeding cheese to chickens, it can be whole, cut, sliced, or mixed with their feed. 

Hard cheeses like parmesan and cheddar should always be finely shredded. 

Soft cheeses are easiest for chickens to eat, but those can also be shredded or cut. 

Cheese can also be shredded and mixed into their regular feed for additional sources of protein, calcium, fat, and other vitamins. 

Stale or rotten cheese should always be avoided. 

chickens foraging

Cheese Benefits for Chickens

Although it should be fed sparingly to chickens, cheese has a variety of different health benefits when fed to them appropriately. 

Cheese is typically full of different vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, B12, K2, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, riboflavin, and zinc. 

These nutrients are important to your chicken’s overall health. 

Here are some of the health benefits of feeding cheese to chickens:

High in Calcium 

One of the more obvious benefits of feeding cheese to your chickens is the high amounts of calcium it provides. 

Cheese is a great source of calcium for chickens. 

Calcium is vital for egg production for chickens as it ensures that chickens lay eggs with thick, strong shells. It also helps to grow strong bones. 

Along with other options like crushed oyster shells, black fly larvae, or crushed egg shells, cheese is one of the best options to provide your chickens with a natural source of calcium. 

Great Protein Source

Certain cheeses are also high in protein. 

Protein provides benefits to chickens such as feather growth, proper fluid balance,  and a healthy immune system. 

Chickens that are deficient in protein can have a lot of health issues, therefor they need plenty in their diet to stay healthy. 

Healthy Fats

While you never want your chickens to be overweight, it is important that chickens maintain a healthy weight and get plenty of healthy fats in their diet. 

Chickens that are underweight can struggle with egg production and low energy levels. 

Keep in mind that too much cheese can lead to obesity, which can also lead to many health issues. 

Immune Support

Cheese contains a number of different probiotic bacteria that can help to improve chicken’s immune systems. 

Cheeses like gouda, cheddar, and parmesan are excellent examples of cheeses that contain healthy gut bacteria that can provide benefits to the immune system. 

Bone Health & Egg Production  

Cheese contains a large number of vitamins and minerals that are important to the overall health of chickens. 

In general, cheese contains vitamins and minerals like calcium, protein, magnesium, vitamins A, D, K, and zinc which are all healthy nutrients for the growth and maintenance of bones and eggs for chickens. 

When fed in moderation, cheese is a great option to provide a boost of nutrients to your chickens to aid in bone health and egg production. 

Video by ALL THINGS POULTRY on Youtube

Can Chickens Eat Cheese Rinds?

Yes, chickens can eat cheese rinds. 

Cheese rinds are formed during the natural process of cheesemaking.

However, most cheese rinds are tough and may be difficult for your chickens to consume.

Consider finely shredding the cheese rinds prior to feeding them to your birds. 

Keep in mind that you should never feed your chickens any other products that cheese is wrapped in such as wax, plastic, or cloth. These products can be extremely harmful to your flock. 

Can Chickens Eat Cheese Snacks?

No, it is typically not recommended to feed your chickens any type of cheese snacks or treats.

Cheese snacks like cheese crackers, cheese popcorn, cheese puffs, cheese balls, cheese sticks, cheese curds, or pizza are all highly processed and are unhealthy for chickens to consume.

These products do not contain any health benefits or nutrition and can contain sugar, unhealthy fats, additives, and preservatives that are not beneficial to your chicken’s overall health. 

It is best to avoid any cheese snacks or treats for your chickens. 

Is Dairy Safe For Chickens? 

You’ve learned that cheese is safe for chickens to eat, but what about dairy products in general?

Dairy products such as yogurt, milk, buttermilk, whey, kefir, butter, ghee, sour cream, and cream cheese can be fed to chickens, but only in moderation. 

These products should be fed sparingly because they contain sugars from lactose. 

Chickens are not made to properly break down that lactose which means feeding them too much dairy can lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal issues. 

Avoid feeding chickens any dairy products with any added sugar, chocolate, or other ingredients that can harm your birds. 

Dairy products like ice cream or cheesecake should never be fed to chickens. 

Final Thoughts

As you can see, yes, chickens can eat cheese. 

But it should be fed sparingly and with caution. Cheese should be fed to your chickens as a treat in moderation and should never make up their entire diet. 

Always monitor your chickens’ health and adjust their diet accordingly to ensure they receive a balanced and nutritious diet. 

Still have more questions? Keep reading below for some frequently asked questions on the topic. 


Is cheese good for hens?

Cheese has nutrients that are vital for a hen’s bone growth and egg production. 

It can be a nutritious treat when fed in moderation alongside their regular feed. 

Can I feed my chickens cottage cheese?

Yes, chickens can eat cottage cheese.

But just like with anything, it should be fed to chickens in moderation and should never make up the bulk of their diet.