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Can Chickens Eat Celery? What You Should Know

Can Chickens Eat Celery? What You Should Know

Chickens are omnivorous creatures, and their diet consists of grains, insects, vegetables, and fruits. 

And as chicken owners, it is our job to ensure that we are providing them with the proper nutrition and a balanced diet. 

It’s also important to know what foods are safe for them to consume. So what about celery?

As a chicken owner yourself, you may be wondering, “Can chickens eat celery?”

In this article, we will discuss:

  • If chickens can eat celery
  • Benefits of celery for chickens
  • What parts of the celery plant chickens can eat
  • How to feed your chickens celery
  • And some frequently asked questions 
chickens eating

Can Chickens Eat Celery? 

Yes, chickens can eat celery. 

Celery is a highly nutritious vegetable that is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, riboflavin, and calcium.

However, just like with any vegetable or treat, it’s important to only feed celery to chickens in moderation. 

Celery should never make up the bulk of their diet, but rather be given in addition to their regular commercial feed. 


Benefits of Giving Celery to Chickens

Just like humans, chickens need a balanced and nutritious diet to thrive and stay healthy.

Celery provides some of the necessary nutrients and enrichment that your chickens need in their diet. 

Here are some benefits of celery for chickens: 

Strengthens the Immune System

Celery contains a fair amount of vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, and potassium.

All of these vitamins and minerals aid in strengthening the immune system and can help to fight off some diseases. 

Provides Hydration

Fruits and vegetables such as celery or watermelon have a very high water content and it is a great source of hydration for chickens. 

Keeping chickens hydrated, especially during the hot months, is vital to keeping a chicken’s gut functioning properly.

Dehydration in chickens can lead to a number of health issues such as liver stones, irregular bowel movements, and more. 

Kills Bacteria

Celery also contains antibacterial properties that are known to kill off unwanted bacteria in a chicken’s body. 

It can even help to promote healthy bacteria that chickens need in order to thrive. 

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Celery?

Yes, chickens can eat cooked celery as long as it is properly prepared and not mixed in with other foods that chickens can not eat. 

What Parts of the Celery Plant Can Chickens Eat? 

Chickens can eat all parts of the celery plant, including the leaves, stalks, and roots. 

Some chickens won’t find celery or its parts very appetizing and may not eat it when given to them. 

Just know that all parts of it are safe for them to consume.

celery growing in garden

Can Chickens Eat Celery Pulp? 

Yes, chickens can eat celery pulp. 

However, celery pulp can be dry and may lack hydration for your birds. 

Some chickens won’t find celery pulp appetizing and most of them may not eat it unless it is prepared into a recipe.

How To Feed Chickens Celery 

While it is safe for chickens to consume celery, it is important to remember that it should be given in moderation as it is nutritionally dense. 

A couple of celery stalks per week for a group of six chickens is best.

It is also important to prepare the celery correctly before feeding it to your chickens. 

Before offering it to your chickens, make sure to:

  • Thoroughly clean the celery. This gets rid of any pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals that may have been sprayed onto the vegetable.
  • Inspect celery for any mold or rotten spots. Moldy or rotten food should never be offered to your chickens. 
  • Chop the celery into small pieces. This will prevent any digestive issues and will help your chickens to be able to pick it up easier. 

Celery should be fed to chickens for only a day or two, as anything longer than that may cause the celery to go rotten. 

It should also only be given as a treat on occasion and should never make up the bulk of their diet. 

chickens eating

Final Thoughts

Fortunately, chickens can eat celery and celeriac, and all parts of the plant are safe for them to eat. 

However, it should be given in moderation and prepared correctly to ensure that it is part of a balanced diet for your chickens. 

Still want to learn more? Keep reading below for some frequently asked questions. 


What vegetables can chickens eat?

Vegetables can be a healthy and refreshing snack for chickens. 

They can eat most vegetables including lettuce, kale, swiss chard, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, beets, carrots, broccoli, and more.

Just make sure to feed these vegetables alongside their regular commercial feed and never just on their own. Fruits, vegetables, and treats should not make up the bulk of their diet.

What vegetables can chickens NOT eat?

There are few vegetables that chickens should avoid eating. 

Tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes are all best to stay away from and their leaves and other parts of the vegetable can be toxic to chickens. 

These vegetables in their raw form can also be very toxic and should be avoided for chickens.