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Can Chickens Eat Green Beans? Everything You Should Know

Can Chickens Eat Green Beans? Everything You Should Know

Chickens are known for their ability to eat almost anything, including vegetables. 

Green beans are a common garden vegetable that many chicken keepers wonder if their flock can safely consume. 

The answer is yes, chickens can eat green beans, but there are some precautions to keep in mind.

In this article, we will discuss:

  • Can chickens eat green beans?
  • Nutritional value of green beans for chickens
  • How to feed green beans to chickens
  • Benefits of feeding green beans to chickens
  • Things to watch out for when feeding green beans to chickens
  • And some frequently asked questions
Green beans in a bowl

Can Chickens Eat Green Beans?

Yes, chickens can eat green beans. 

They are a good source of nutrition for chickens and can be a healthy snack when fed in moderation. 

This vegetable contains vitamins and minerals that are essential for a chicken’s health, including protein, fiber, and vitamin C.

Green beans are low in fat and energy and are a good source of nutrition for hens. 

However, it is important to consider a few things before feeding green beans to your chickens.

It’s important to note that chickens should not be fed raw green beans as they contain lectin, a toxic substance for chickens. 

Instead, cooked green beans are a safer option for chickens to consume.

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Green Beans?

Yes, chickens can eat cooked green beans.

Cooking them is actually the best way for chickens to consume green beans.

This is because the cooking process breaks down the lectin content in the beans, making them safer for chickens to eat. 

However, you should be mindful when feeding chickens cooked green beans from table scraps, as they should not consume salt, sugar, or seasonings. 

green beans

Can Baby Chicks Eat Green Beans?

Yes, baby chicks can eat green beans as long as they are cooked, sliced into smaller pieces, and fed within moderation. 

Chicks should also be around 6 weeks of age before consuming any snacks or treats. 

Even at this age, they should only eat a few bites of green beans at a time. 

It’s important for small chicks to consume mostly their starter feed and be monitored with any new snack to ensure they don’t choke or get digestive issues. 

Can Chickens Eat Raw Green Beans?

No, it is not recommended for chickens to consume raw green beans.

This is because raw green beans contain a substance called lectin that can cause health issues in chickens. 

This substance is commonly found in raw beans such as raw red and white kidney beans, which chickens should also avoid. 

The amount of lectin in raw green beans is minuscule, however, too much of it can be toxic to chickens and should be avoided. 

Can Chickens Have Frozen Green Beans?

Yes, chickens can have frozen green beans as long as they are fully cooked. 

Raw green beans can be toxic to chickens and therefore all beans should be cooked before offering them to your flock. 

chickens eating

Can Chickens Eat Canned Green Beans? 

It is typically not recommended to feed your chickens canned green beans due to the high amount of preservatives, salt, and other added ingredients. 

It is best to feed your chickens cooked fresh green beans without any added seasonings, butter, or salt. 

Other Parts of the Green Bean Plant Chickens Can Eat

Chickens can eat the stalks and leaves of green beans, as long as they are properly cooked.

It’s important to keep chickens away from the plant if you are growing them in your backyard. 

Raw green beans and parts of the plant contain lectin, which can be harmful to your chicken’s health if too much is consumed. 

Consider fencing off your green bean plants to keep chickens away from them. 

Do Chickens Like Green Beans?

Just like humans, every chicken is different and each bird has their own food preferences. 

However, most chickens don’t seem to enjoy eating green beans.

If you are feeding green beans to your chickens for the first time and they turn their beaks up at it, don’t be discouraged! 

There are plenty of other fruits and vegetables that chickens can eat that most chickens will enjoy. 

chickens eating

Nutritional Value of Green Beans for Chickens

Cooked green beans are a good source of protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin C, folate, and phosphorus for chickens. 

100g of cooked green beans can offer your birds: 

  • 32 calories
  • 89.92g of water
  • 1.9g of protein
  • 2.8g of fiber
  • 39mg of calcium
  • 10.8mg of vitamin C
  • 29 micrograms of folate
  • 40mg of phosphorus
  • 26mg of magnesium

While cooked green beans are a safe and nutritious treat for chickens, they should only be fed to them in moderation. 

A few green beans per chicken per week is a good amount.

They are also able to eat fruits and vegetables (in moderation) such as:

Chickens should consume mostly their commercial feed with only around 10%-20% being treats, snacks, or table scraps. 

Benefits of Feeding Green Beans to Chickens

Cooked green beans are a nutritious and tasty treat for chickens. 

They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, making them an excellent addition to a chicken’s diet. 

In this section, we will discuss the benefits of feeding green beans to chickens.

Improved Health and Egg Production

Feeding green beans to chickens can improve their overall health and increase egg production. 

Green beans are a good source of protein, which is essential for healthy egg production. They also contain vitamins A, C, and K, which are important for maintaining good health.

Green beans are also rich in antioxidants, which can help boost the immune system and protect chickens from diseases. 

Additionally, the fiber in green beans can aid in digestion and prevent digestive problems in chickens.

Reduced Feeding Costs

Feeding green beans to chickens can also help reduce feeding costs. 

Green beans are a low-cost, nutritious food that can supplement a chicken’s diet. 

As long as they are properly cooked, adding green beans to their diet helps chicken owners reduce the amount of commercial feed they need to purchase.

Furthermore, green beans are easy to grow in a backyard garden. By growing their own green beans, chicken owners can provide their flock with fresh, organic produce at a low cost.

How to Feed Green Beans to Chickens

It is important to prepare green beans properly before feeding them to chickens. 

It is best to chop the green beans into small pieces to make them easier for chickens to eat.

Cooked green beans are the safest option for chickens to eat. 

Start by trimming the ends off, as they are rough and can be a choking hazard. 

Then you can boil, steam, or microwave the green beans until they are soft. 

Chop up or tear the green beans into smaller pieces once they are cooled and then offer them to your chickens in a feeder or dish. 

Avoid adding any salt, butter, or other seasonings that may be harmful to chickens.

Never feed your chickens moldy or rotten vegetables, as they can be harmful to their health.

What Types of Beans Can Chickens Eat? 

Cooked green beans are a healthy treat for chickens, but there are some other types of beans that they can consume as well. 

Here are some other beans that chickens can eat:

  • Kidney beans
  • Navy Beans
  • Cannellini Beans
  • Black beans
  • Pinto Beans 
  • Cranberry Beans

As long as all of these beans are properly cooked, they can be a great treat for chickens that will provide some great health benefits on top of their commercial feed. 

chickens foraging

Final Thoughts

Overall, green beans can be a nutritious addition to a chicken’s diet as long as they are cooked and fed in moderation. 

Feeding cooked green beans to chickens can provide many benefits, including improved health, increased egg production, and reduced feeding costs.

Chicken keepers should always be mindful of what they feed their flock and ensure that their diet is balanced and healthy.

As with any treat, green beans should be fed in moderation along with their regular feed.  


What beans are toxic to chickens?

Any bean or legume can potentially be toxic to chickens if they are not properly cooked. 

Avoid feeding your chickens any raw beans such as kidney beans, black beans, pinto beans, navy beans, cannellini beans, or cranberry beans.

These beans are perfectly safe for chickens to consume once they have been cooked. 

Avoid feeding chickens any type of dried beans as well. 

What vegetables should chickens not eat?

Chickens should avoid eating raw, green potatoes, green tomatoes, or any type of pepper. 

These vegetables and their skins, leaves, or stalks can also be toxic to chickens and should be avoided. 

Are green beans bad for chickens? 

Green beans can be bad for chickens if they are not properly cooked before being given to your flock. 

This is because raw green beans contain lectins that can cause health issues to your chickens. 

Green beans are perfectly safe for your chickens to consume when they are cooked and given without any salt, seasonings, or toppings.