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Can Chickens Eat Plums? Everything You Need to Know

Can Chickens Eat Plums? Everything You Need to Know

Can chickens eat plums? Yes. Chickens love to snack on plums. 

However, there are some things you need to know before throwing the entire fruit into the coop. 

In this post, we will discuss: 

  • What parts of the plum chickens can eat
  • The health benefits of plums for chickens
  • How to feed plums to chickens 
  • And other frequently asked questions on the topic 

Can Chickens Eat Plums?

As stated above, yes. Chickens can eat plums. 

Plums are an easy and inexpensive way to provide nutrients to your chickens. But just like with most other fruits and vegetables, plums should only be fed to your chickens in moderation.

These snacks should never make up the bulk of your chicken’s diet. Plums should be offered as a treat in addition to their regular feed. 

Can Chickens Eat Plum Pits?

No, chickens should never be offered plum pits. 

Plum pits contain a substance called amygdalin, which turns into hydrogen cyanide when consumed by chickens. 

This poisonous substance is very dangerous for both animals and humans and can cause severe health issues or in some cases, death. 

Make sure to remove and discard the pit/seed from the plum before offering the fruit to your chickens. 

Can Chickens Eat Plum Leaves? 

Yes, chickens can eat plum leaves. 

However, some chickens won’t eat the leaves or pay much attention to them. But they are completely safe if your chickens happen to get ahold of some plum leaves.

Can Chickens Eat The Skin of a Plum? 

Yes, chickens can eat plum skins. 

However keep in mind that while plum skin is safe for them to eat, you want to make sure to thoroughly soak or wash your plums before feeding them to your birds. 

This is because most commercially grown fruits and vegetables are heavily sprayed with pesticides and herbicides that can be harmful to your chickens. 

Even if you are buying organic plums, the skin could still contain some traces of dirt or other pollutants.

So if you are offering plums with the skin on to your chickens, ensure that they are cleaned beforehand. 

Can Chickens Eat Dried Plums?

Dried plums, or prunes, are not poisonous to chickens. However, it is not recommended to feed your chickens too many of these dried fruits.

This is because most commercially packaged prunes contain a high amount of added sugar which can cause some health issues in chickens. 

Also, keep in mind that plum pits and seeds are toxic to chickens, and most dried plums still contain pits. If this is the case, they should not be offered to your chickens. 

Before feeding dried plums to your chickens, make sure to remove any pits and only feed sparingly. 

Can Chickens Eat Frozen Plums?

Yes, chickens can eat frozen plums. 

In fact, frozen plums are an excellent treat to feed your chickens during the hot months. Because they are frozen, it will help to keep your chickens cool.

Just make sure there are no pits or seeds before you offer frozen plums to your chickens. 

chickens eating

Are Plums Poisonous to Chickens?

No, plums are not poisonous to chickens. 

The pit/seed is toxic to chickens, however, and should not be offered to your birds. 

Make sure to remove the pits or seeds before feeding plums to your chickens. 

Are Plums Healthy for Chickens? 

Plums are juicy fruits that are full of different nutrients and vitamins that are vital for your chicken’s health.

They are an excellent source of Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Sorbitol, Potassium, Calcium, and Folate, which are all essential to a chicken’s diet. 

However, it is important to keep in mind that plums should be fed as a snack, and not in place of your chicken’s regular feed. 

Health Benefits of Plums for Chickens

There are a number of different health benefits to consider while feeding plums to your chickens. Here are some of the best ones: 

Great Source of Antioxidants 

Antioxidants are vital for the health of your chickens. 

They help to fight off and prevent diseases by fighting off free radicals. 

Boosts the Immune System 

Plums provide an excellent source of Vitamin C to your chickens, which will help to boost their immune systems. 

Vitamin C helps to build and maintain a healthy heart, which in turn prevents them from getting sick. It also helps them to recover quicker if they are already sick. 

According to this study, plums provide immune-enhancing properties to your chickens that can help to prevent coccidiosis, a parasite that attacks a chicken’s intestinal tract. 

Improves Digestion 

Plums contain fiber, which helps with digesting food. This can prevent constipation and might help improve your chicken’s bowel movements.

Excellent for Overall Health 

Plums are excellent for your chicken’s overall health because they contain a variety of different vitamins. 

They contain:

  • Vitamin A – helps the nose, inner eyelid, and esophagus to function properly by producing mucous in the chicken’s glands. If chickens are deficient in Vitamin A, it can lead to nutritional roup and other conditions. 
  • Vitamin K – also helps to prevent coccidiosis. Vitamin K helps with a chicken’s blood coagulation, which means if the chicken becomes injured and starts bleeding, the wound clots to allow the injury to stop bleeding. 
  • Sorbitol – can help to lower cholesterol in chickens.
  • Potassium – helps with egg production and reduces heat stress in hot weather. 
  • Calcium – helps to produce strong eggs. Chickens can stop laying eggs altogether without the proper amounts of calcium in their diets. 
  • Folate – is vital for normal feather and skeletal growth in chickens. Folate can also prevent anemia in chickens. 

How Should You Feed Plums to Chickens? 

If you don’t grow plums yourself, they are typically available at most grocery stores and some farmer’s markets.

Make sure when you are picking fruit for your flock that you choose ripe plums, as they taste better and will be easier for your chickens to eat.

To prepare plums for your chickens to eat, you should:

  • Thoroughly soak or wash your plums in a fruit and veggie wash and scrub the outside of the skin. This will remove any dirt or pesticides if you purchase them from the grocery store. 
  • Cut the fruit open and completely remove the pit/seed and discard it. The pit is toxic if the chickens consume it.
  • Cut the plum into smaller pieces or cubes. This prevents the chickens from choking on it and will allow them to eat the fruit easier. 
  • Place the fruit into a shallow dish or tray to avoid getting dirt and waste on the fruit. Offer the tray of fruit to your chickens. 

Your chickens will enjoy the plums by themselves or with other fruits mixed in as well. 

Adding in strawberries, blueberries, and apples will provide your chickens with a variety of different nutrients and tastes. 

You may also choose to mix plums into your chicken’s commercial feed at times too. This way your chickens will receive their full nutrition for the day with an added bonus from the fruit. 

During hot summer days, chickens love to eat frozen plums to cool down. Just make sure the pit/seed is removed from any frozen plums and then offer it in a dish or tray. 

Keep in mind that while plums are a fun and tasty treat for your chickens, they should only be fed in moderation. Plums and other fruits should not make up the bulk of your chicken’s diet, but rather be a treat in addition to their commercial feed.  

Video by HydroponicGardener

What Age Can Chickens Eat Plums?

Chickens can start eating plums as early as a few weeks old. 

However, it’s important that the chicks only eat the flesh of the fruit. The pit/seed is toxic to chickens when consumed and should be completely removed before offering the fruit to your chicks.

Also, baby chicks have a digestive system that is not fully matured yet. That means that they should be fed plums very sparingly. This is due to the high amounts of natural sugars in the fruit.

Chicks should also be limited to just a small portion (a few bites), as they are not meant to have many treats until they are older. 

baby chick

How Many Plums Can Chickens Eat Per Day? 

For small chicks, it is important to feed plums sparingly. Cut the fruit into tiny pieces so that they won’t choke. Chicks should not eat many plums, as their digestive systems are not fully matured yet and can not handle large amounts of plums at once.

For adult chickens, you can provide them with larger chunks of the fruit, however, they still should not be offered a plate of plums more than once or twice per week.

While plums provide some excellent nutrients to your chickens, they are also very high in fructose, sucrose, and glucose. These are all sugars that aren’t safe for chickens to eat in high amounts. 

Final Thoughts 

Plums are a healthy and affordable treat to offer to your chickens. 

They provide chickens with added nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Calcium, and Potassium. 

The best part is, chickens can eat most parts of the plum, including the leaves, skin, and flesh. However, it is very important to completely remove the pit/seed before offering this fruit to your flock. 

Once the pit is removed, your chickens can enjoy this fruit cooked, frozen, or raw. 

Still have more questions? Keep reading below to find more frequently asked questions. 


Can chickens eat cooked plums? 

Yes, chickens can eat cooked plums as long as the pits are fully removed and there isn’t additional sugar added to them. 

What other fruits can chickens eat? 

Chickens are able to munch on a variety of different fruits and vegetables.

Here are a few other fruits that your flock can enjoy: